Taking a Survey from the BounceTogether platform

This article walks you through how a user can take a survey.

Posted 03/09/2018 @Bob Wilkinson


The content that follows details how a user can take a survey through your BounceTogether platform.

Logging in

Before you can take a survey, you must first login so that BounceTogether knows who you are.

  1. Load the login screen from https://app.bouncetogether.co.uk
  2. Enter your username and password into the respective text boxes to log in with Bounce. Enter these options when you are loggin with with Bounce login cards.
  3. Click the Sign In button to login
  4. Note

    If your school is setup to have single-sign-on with Microsoft or Google then you can log in by selecting the Sign in with google or Sign in with Microsoft buttons.

  5. It's as easy as that - you should then be logged in to the BounceTogether portal and be able to see your Dashboard
  6. Every login has different options/menus depending on your access level. Login with a staff/admin login to be able to see the Dashboard, your class lists and more.

Taking a Survey

  1. Once logged in to your account, you will be able to see available surveys to you from the Dashboard. Available surveys are shown in the middle of the home scren.
  2. To commence a survey, click the Take Survey button next to the survey you want to start
  3. The screen that follows will show you the introduction explaining what to do next
  4. Click Begin to start the survey then start selecting your answers one at a time
  5. Some survey unlock badges/rewards. Keep taking surveys to unlock more of them!

  6. When you have answered all questions in the survey, you will be taken back to your home screen and it will mark that survey as complete